Create Game

This command is an auth-required command used for creating a lobby with the default state LOBBY.

Every lobby will get assigned the state LOBBY after creation. Once started by the owner the game will change its state and the users will receive their cards.

Furthermore a new round object will be assigned to the game object.


    "command": "creategame",
    "params": {
        "maxplayers": 4, // number
        "deckids": ["UDI12"], // string[]
        "password": "password", // string
        "pointstowin": 8, // number
        "maxroundtime": 30, // number <roundtime in seconds>
        "gametitle": "Pineapple" // string 

The backend will then respond with a errorCode and the gameId in the jsonData object.


    "errorCode": 0,
    "message": "A new game was created",
    "jsonData": {
        "gameId": "some-random-uuid-here"

Beside there is also going to be a event triggered so every player currently connected with the websocket receives a GameStartedEvent.