CardJizzerBackend Documentation

The following documentation contained in the docs/ folder will give some further insights into the app.

Getting started

$ npm i 
$ npm run setup

Running tests

In order to check if your changes will result in a red build and is consequently not commitable please use the following command.

NOTE: After running the npm run setup command the git hooks path will change to /hooks and before each commit, the test and the lint command will run.

$ npm run test

Checking the code style

A good repository needs a unified code style. Therefore we use a package called ā€œeslintā€.

$ npm run lint


The following command will run some gulp tasks which will then minify and copy the source files to the dist/ folder.

$ npm run build

What kind of API?

This is no typical HTTP ReST API. All requests are sent over websockets guaranteeing live game updates and events for every player connected to the server.

Sending requests is possible only through JSON. For example: joining a game

    "command": "join",
    "params": {
        "gameid": "some-random-uuid-here"

Where command represents the command to be executed (in the example case: join) and params the args required by the specific command.